A Lawyer’s Lament – Too Busy to Work

Worky work, busy bee.  Are you a lawyer who is too busy to work? Read along to see what you are doing to yourself:

“Ask a lawyer how they’re doing, what they’re up to these days, some sort of vague question like that, and they’ll almost certainly say “I’m very busy” or something similar, maybe even something more dramatic, such as “I’m going out of my mind with all the work, it just keeps pouring in” accompanied by a nervous shake of the head and possibly a wringing of hands. It’s a point of pride for a legal professional. To be in demand is to be successful. Never mind that some of the work is busy-work or complete junk…Isn’t that a good thing? Isn’t that what you should be doing? No, it’s not. Working hard is bad for you. Really bad.”

Read: Too busy to work at Canadian Lawyer Magazine