Artificial Lawyer: The New Era of Legal AI Begins

If you aren’t following legal AI, read on to get up to speed on how far things advanced just last year:

“2016 will be remembered as the year when legal AI and advanced automation went from being a subject for conference discussions about ‘the future’ and became something very real in the eyes of the market, and perhaps most importantly something that law firms were actually using for client work. AI and advanced automation, at least as theories, have been around since the 1950s…But, the fact that AI has a long and historical backstory doesn’t diminish the fact that at the start of this year the idea of large numbers of law firms actually making use of legal AI systems, as opposed to just talking about the subject, was not really ‘a thing’ yet.  But, wow, what a difference a year makes. Looking back on 2016, as the year draws to a close, it feels like we have entered a new era. So, what has happened?”

Source: The Artificial Lawyer Year in Review: The New Era of Legal AI Begins – artificial lawyer