How to Better Contribute as an In-House Counsel

Thinking of ways in which you can have a better impact as an in-house counsel? A recent program in the UK should give you some valuable pointers:

“The 20th LBCambridge residential skills development programme for in-house lawyers – established in 2006 by LBC Wise Counsel – recently took place at Queen’s College, Cambridge. The traditional opening keynote session on the first full day is designed around themes which the delegates identify as their most pressing issues.Delegates are asked what is “top of mind” and then ideas are discussed, debated and distilled into the most pertinent themes, which were identified as:

  1. How should we measure and demonstrate our value?
  2. How do we influence to get a place at the table and permission to change things?
  3. How can we have career development in flat structures or small teams?
  4. How can we manage the expectation to do more with less?
  5. What is the personal transition to being a successful in-house lawyer?
  6. How should we step beyond the day-to-day and make a more telling contribution?”

Read: 6 keys ways to make a more telling contribution as an in-house lawyer