Wanna Be A GC?

Segal Coaching provides 8 qualities of successful general counsel – solid reading if you want to someday reach the top spot.  Tip of the hat to legal recruiter Lord, Gurman & Lewis for the link:

“Becoming a General Counsel (GC) or Chief Legal Officer (CLO), or making a move to a more senior GC or CLO role at a more prominent company, is not simply a matter of rising through the ranks or toiling away for years at a law firm and then deciding one day that you would like to throw in your hat for the position. Years ago, longevity in the legal field, motivation to fill the role and a projection of confidence may have been sufficient to mint a new GC or CLO, but the world has changed and the role of General Counsel has evolved along with it.”

Read: 8 Core Qualities of Successful General Counsel and How to Achieve Them – Anne Marie Segal – Segal Coaching