No timesheets! A reason many law firm lawyers clamor for the glory of in-house life. But check out this must-read at the GC’s Eye View if you are making the transition to an in-house position. In-house roles are always in demand, and they are available at all levels – from staff attorney to general counsel jobs. But if you think that being an in-house lawyer is a walk down easy street, think again.
“Imagine yourself sitting in the double height reception of a large office building in West London. You’re there for an interview, having applied for the role of “Legal Counsel, Intellectual Property”. So far, the selection process has involved meetings with HR and Legal. Today, you’re due to see senior business staff. You don’t know it yet, but the whole process will consist of 10 meetings, including one with an “industrial psychologist” (a story for another day)…looking back, I know how ill-prepared I was to make the transition from private practice to in-house. Many people I interview today are equally ill-prepared. So, there’s clearly more explaining to do. For this reason, I thought it would be worth drawing out some points more fully, explaining why they matter and providing practical suggestions on how to go about implementing this advice.
Read: GC’s Eye View: No timesheets! Making the transition from private practice to in-house.