Lawyer Emotional Intelligence Needs Some Work

Lawyer Emotional Intelligence

Lawyer emotional intelligence – something most lawyers do not give much though to day to day – or at all. Even worse, the bean-counters appear to be doing better at it. So get on with it, and reduce your stress levels at the same time.

“Most professions and sectors have recognised the importance of emotional intelligence (EI) for individuals in their working lives, US author and expert, Ronda Muir, explained in a session at the International Bar Association’s (IBA) annual conference yesterday. She told the audience: “Even accountants have started to be educated in emotional intelligence. But lawyers just don’t do emotion.” Muir’s premise is backed up by research which has shown that lawyers tend to have high IQs (scoring around 115) but lower EIs of around 85.”

Read: IBA Conference: ‘Lawyers just don’t do emotion’, says leading behavioural expert at Legal Cheek