GCs May Risk Overload As Job Expands

Feeling stretched too thin? General counsel may risk overload if they cannot find balance in the convergence revolution:

“The professional convergence revolution may be putting too high a burden on the new breed of super general counsel. General counsel are risking role overload as they take on more responsibilities. According to Pearson GC Bjarne Tellmann, the professional convergence revolution could mean that the enhanced GC position is, in reality, too demanding. In his newly published book, he says that GCs are taking on the expanded role because “companies increasingly recognise that good ideas are generated when people with different skills interact with each other in a connected manner…Mr Tellmann says that there is a risk of role overload ‘because the many new responsibilities that the GC’s job entails are in reality too demanding for any one individual to successfully carry out. Yet you can’t really break the role up into smaller ones.'”

Read: GCs may ‘risk overload’ as their job expands at GlobalLegalPost