Law Firms

GE Exec: $1,000 Per Hour Lawyers Have Climbed 75%

$1,000 here, $1,000 there – pretty soon you’re talking about real money: “Our outside counsel costs are increasing – faster than the rate of inflation. If we look at lawyers whose rate are $1,000 an…

Saving Big Law from the Robot Apocalypse

More insightful commentary on the future of law, the potential impact of the robot apocalypse on lawyers and law firms, and the importance of law firms putting clients first: “‘There’s going to be a vicious…

Recommend your Outside Counsel? Not so much

Where is the love, in-house counsel? “Only 33.3 percent of corporate counsel say they would recommend their primary law firm to an in-house peer, according to research from Michael Rynowecer at BTI Consulting Group. He…

Law firm senior lawyers too poor to retire

Wow – the rest of the world will soon be breaking out their tiny violins over this recent report: “A liberalisation of UK pension laws this year is leaving law firms wondering if there is a…

On Making Law, Sausage and Legal Bills

The story of a new service,, that promises to increase billing transparency and, as a result, improve relationships between clients and law firms: “Amazingly, as more than 100 firms have dipped into ViewaBill, the…

Texas Hourly Rates – Go Big or Go Home

If you have outside counsel in Texas, you can rest assured that their hourly rates are as outsized as those in many other large states: “Hundreds of Texas corporate clients have seen fees go up…

Lawyers Should Learn to Talk Business

Ditching the legalese has its virtues and, for some GCs, it’s a requirement: “Lawyers are so famously fluent in their own jargon that the rest of the world has furrowed its brow and given this…

Stunned markets take stock of listed law firm

What do law firms do when they go public? What other companies do – including gobbling up other firms to further expansion goals: “The extraordinary upward trajectory of Slater + Gordon, the first publicly listed law…