What To Leave Off Your Resume

Leave Off Your Resume

Leave off your resume things that recruiters dislike and your job prospects will improve. Recruiters are a diverse bunch and resumes vary by industry, but you may be better off omitting some items from your legal resume. When in doubt, talk to a recruiter working for you and have them do a resume review.

“There are any number of reasons a recruiter will call you in for a job (or not)…Whether you’re applying for online jobs, submitting to job agencies, or applying to companies directly, résumés and CVs are still a fundamental way recruiters and hiring managers view your experience at a glance. They’re still important. Here are five things recruiters (including one I interviewed from Accenture) wish you’d leave off your résumé​…

Read: 5 Things Recruiters Wish You’d Leave Off Your Resume at Inc.com