Ready For A Career Pivot?

career pivot

A career pivot could be just what you need – or must do – in times such as these. For some, a career pivot will be a luxury and for others it will be a necessity. Especially in tumultuous times, the facts of life can create situations that may seem adverse but that often lead to great future opportunities. Take some time to reflect on whether you need a career pivot and read on for some thoughts from Amy Goldstein and Randi Rosenblatt from a recent presentation on the topic. Breaking up with your current job may be hard to do, but it may just be what is needed to position yourself for the long term.

“If you think through your professional life to date, you have probably made a handful of, if not many, pivots of various sorts. Some you may have excitingly brought on yourself and others may have shown up when you were entirely uninterested in making a change. With the global pandemic as a backdrop, pivoting is now front and center. Pivots – in our practices, careers and networking strategies – are best made when we take intentional steps to move ourselves forward. While pivots are often stressful, the potential for inspiring, new opportunities can help channel that stress into the ability to act and make a meaningful change. If you are considering a pivot in your career, start with the following steps…”

Read: Ready to Pivot? at Grayson Allen, Inc.