
Law Firms To Target ER Patient Cellphones

If you are annoyed when you visit a website and see ads for products you were checking out earlier on another, well, you are about to get much more annoyed. Apparently law firms are exploring…

How to Make a Career Comeback

Are you ready for a career comeback? As employer-employee relationships have changed drastically over the years, so has the view of careers generally. Gone are the days (for most) of decades of work for the…

Lawyers Need Vacations

Lawyers need vacations, and a three day weekend is not sufficient. Whether you are an in-house counsel or a lawyer toiling away at BigLaw or SmallLaw, vacation can help avoid burnout. “Work hard, play hard”…

When You Are Told You Are Too Old

It’s clear to many senior lawyers looking for a new job that their age may be getting in the way. Without coming out and saying it directly, interviewers often “telegraph” that they believe you are…

Being a Corporate Lawyer Is A Bullshit Job

If you are a corporate lawyer, you may have a bullshit job. Well, that’s according to an anthropology professor. Others might say this is an affront to bulls. Lawyers might say that ivory tower professors…

The Rise of In-House Counsel in China

The continued growth and expansion of Chinese multinationals, as well as domestic changes in Chinese views, has led to the rise of in-house counsel in China. Read more in this article by Jack McDouall: “China arguably…