Hard Work May Not Be Enough

Hard Work May Not Be Enough

If you are getting in earlier and leaving later than your peers, and always the first to answer that weekend email, you may be surprised to learn that your hard work may not be enough. This may even be the case when you are trying to become indispensable at work:

“From a young age, we’re raised to believe that we can accomplish pretty much anything so long as we work hard enough to achieve it. And, for the most part, that makes sense, at least intuitively. If you study for three hours while your roommate studies for one, you’ll probably do better on the test. If you spend 50 hours at work every week while your peer spends 30, you’ll stand a better chance of getting a raise or a promotion. This idea follows us at every stage of our lives, and it echoes a cornerstone belief of Western culture: As long as you work hard, you’re going to be successful. But there’s a problem with this philosophy: Hard work isn’t always enough.”

Read: Hard Work? It’s Not All It’s Cracked up to Be. It May Even Be Irrelevant. Here’s Why. at Entrepreneur