As we head into 2024, let’s recap some great resources for in-house counsel that made a large impact in 2023:
- Sterling Miller’s “Ten Things” Blog: With a keen eye and impressive wit, Sterling Miller provided a tremendous number of informative and useful resources for in-house counsel in 2023. His year-end recap is always a must-read and includes a large number of third-party resources worth exploring.
- Bloomberg Law: Keeping up with the latest legal developments can be time-consuming, but Bloomberg Law made it look easy with its timely coverage.
- LawSites: Bob Ambrogi’s LawSites blog continued to break news in the world of legal tech and innovation and his LawNext podcast let listeners get up close and personal with some of the leading voices in the space.
- Contracting 101: The legal space is fortunate to have a number of of leading voices focused on contracting who create content, host events and stimulate important conversations on contracting issues. These are especially helpful for in-house counsel who do not have a background in contracts and who want to get up to speed quickly and stay current. Nada Alnajafi (Contract Nerds) and Laura Frederick (How to Contract) are two voices to watch in 2024, as well as veteran Ken Adams (Adams on Contract Drafting) who consistently tears down and explains complex contracting issues in a way that should get every contracts attorney thinking about self-improvement.
- ABA Journal: The American Bar Association’s ABA Journal is another resource that consistently posted timely news and other items of interest to lawyers both in private practice and in the in-house world. Some content is behind a paywall, but membership is inexpensive and also entitles members to a very large and free CLE library that can be used to fulfill local requirements.
- The Mad Clientist: BTI Consulting’s Mad Clientist kept up their pace of coverage of the legal industry and trends to look out for, including those that will have an impact in 2024.
What other resources did you find compelling in 2023? Let us know!