What To Do When Your Company Doesn’t Respect the Legal Department

Well, we know not everyone respects the legal department – but what to do about it? The Lawyer Whisperer gives her thoughts on how to handle the situation:

“There is no question that the importance of and appreciation for a company’s in house legal department has greatly increased over the past 20+ years. No longer considered a “cost center” or “path to no”, today’s corporate lawyers are more often viewed as key executives: vital protectors of the organization and strategic business partners. But this isn’t the case in every organization. Some executives resent the legal function; or view it as a nuisance or low value-add. To some, it is a necessary evil that they resist every step of the way. So if you are a lawyer who is part of such an organization, you will encounter challenges in your quest to effectively perform your job and earn the respect you deserve for doing it.”

Read: My company execs don’t respect Legal. Some believe we are a ”bottleneck to getting deals done” and their critical comments have adversely… at The Lawyer Whisperer