Stress and Anxiety: How To Cope During a Global Pandemic

Stress and Anxiety

Stress and anxiety are not foreign to lawyers by any means, but in a time of a global pandemic maintaining your mental health can be critical to doing your job, supporting your family members and keeping your immune system strong. Keep work-life stress from taking over – it’s difficult, but it must be done. Lawyers already suffer from higher levels of mental health issues than other professions as well as alcohol and addiction issues. Take care to practice self-care, so that you can help those close to you and your clients at the same time.

“We’re living in a time of  uncertainty. No matter where you are in the world, it’s likely that COVID-19 has upended every aspect of your life…Not surprisingly, stress and anxiety levels are high for many. Whether it’s juggling remote working with parenting responsibilities, seeing your business collapse almost overnight, or not knowing where your next paycheck is going to come from, it can feel like everything is out of your control…But as I discuss with cohosts Pavithra Mohan and Julia Herbst on this week’s episode of Secrets of the Most Productive People, that’s exactly what we need to do for the sake of our mental health.”

Read: How to deal with stress and anxiety during a global pandemic at FastCompany