‘Satisfaction guaranteed’ – it’s never caught on with lawyers

Putting aside the ethical issues of guarantees made by lawyers – will law firms be willing to say “satisfaction guaranteed” to their clients when it comes to value?

“The other night I was listening to Terry O’Reilly’s Under the Influence podcast as I drove home. The episode, titled ‘Satisfaction Guaranteed,’ focused on ‘companies that offer 100 percent, no questions-asked, no fine print, lifetime guarantees.’ Valorem Law Group has always offered our clients the unqualified right to adjust the amount of their bill (even to $0) to reflect their judgment of the value we have provided them, a practice we ‘borrowed’ (with permission) from our friends at Summit Law Group. Recently, our friends at Conduit Law ‘borrowed’ (with permission) the idea from us. Three law firms offering satisfaction guarantees by turning pricing over to their clients. That is not a lot. I have always wondered why more firms did not take advantage of this great client relationship tool, so I listened to the ‘Satisfaction Guaranteed’ podcast with interest.”

Read: ‘Satisfaction guaranteed’—it’s never caught on with lawyers – ABA Journal.

Photo by j.o.h.n. walker