Remote Collaboration Tools in a Time of COVID-19

Remote Collaboration Tools

Remote collaboration tools will be key to businesses and individuals affected by the pandemic. Fortunately, Dennis Kennedy has graciously shared some resources that can be of use to the legal community. Don’t forget to manage your stress as well.

“I’ve been spending the last few days preparing for teaching my classes at the University of Michigan and at Michigan State University this week. Many, many others are also preparing to work from home, teach from home, and attend classes from home. Collaboration, especially online collaboration, has been a focus of mine for many years. Tom Mighell and I updated and published the second edition of our book, “The Lawyer’s Guide to Collaboration Tools and Technologies: Smart Ways to Work Together” in 2018, so much of the book is still quite current, especially the chapters and checklists on how to think about, plan for, and use collaboration technologies in organizations. I’m not here, however, to hawk the book. Instead, I wanted to point you to some of the podcasts and articles Tom and I have done over the years. They will give you a lot of tips and insights as you start your move into the online world of work.”

Read: Remote Collaboration Tools in a Time of COVID-19 at