Law departments are constantly looking for new and innovative outside counsel management strategies. The Mad Clientist presents five new strategies in their recent post, which is a quick and valuable read. Law firms dislike muscular outside counsel guidelines, so selecting the right outside counsel and managing them effectively is key to your organization’s success. By constantly following the latest outside counsel management strategies, you can position your organization for success in legal services delivery. Don’t forget to sign up for the Mad Client’s newsletter for news, expert insights and additional tips.
“Law firms are not alone in their uncertainty. Top legal decision-makers see some law firms are at capacity while others are slow. It’s highly uneven for law firms. It can make the most confident CLO stop and think about the best way to manage outside counsel. Especially in the face of their own swirling needs and top management mandates. Here are the 5 strategies and tactics we are recommending to CLOs right now…..”
Source: GCs Look for New Outside Counsel Management Strategies, We Recommend 5 – The BTI Consulting Group