Make Hiring Managers Love You

Make Hiring Managers Love You

Make hiring managers love you and you may leap to the front of the pool of candidates under consideration. While in-house counsel job openings are at record levels, the competition for coveted positions is fierce as candidates are in the process of shaking off their pandemic slumber, spreading their wings and looking to make moves in the New Normal. With remote work being one byproduct of the pandemic that many employers may keep around, remote legal jobs and remote interview processes have become routine. With these developments, keeping on your toes and making hiring managers love you has become more important as face-to-face interactions have decreased and process has become more important – and in some cases easier to botch.

“The prospect of bringing someone onto the team is one that is exciting and full of possibility. I love talking with candidates. I enjoy learning about them and their passions and aspirations. Hiring should be something that is exciting and fun. The problem is it remains a process and processes are generally less fun and exciting. But, I can say that there are some things that candidates do that truly make the process more fun and exciting. So, what are some things hiring managers love to see from a job seeker? Here are the six things that a candidate can do that make a hiring manager want to say, “You’re hired!”….”
Read: 6 Things Job Seekers Do That Hiring Managers LOVE at WorkItDaily