Law firm work is deteriorating, according to a recent survey. A number of factors come into play, one of which is communication. Proper communication – even overcommunication – can decrease the likelihood of this happening. Most law firms pride themselves on quality, efficiency and effectiveness. Will they get the message?
“Shoddy work is driving clients crazy. And, it is driving twice as many clients crazy—in fact, 22% in 2017, up from 11% the previous year. Most of this sub-par work is unintentional. Certain law firms don’t even know they are missing the mark. What’s worse—clients simply let these firms fade away never to be hired again. Few law firms ask for client feedback, so they never learn what they’re doing wrong (or right). The decline of quality work is reflected in clients’ growing impatience and in their redefinition of quality….Clients have neither the budget nor time to deal with issues they believe should never have come about in the first place. The main safeguard against shoddy work: over-communicate with your clients. Always tell and retell clients what you are doing and why. And tell them once more, to play it safe. As one top legal officer put it, “Communicate until it hurts.””
Read: Shoddy Law Firm Work Doubles at The Mad Clientist