Get a Great Start with the New GC

Did you just get the word that your company has hired a new general counsel? The Lawyer Whisperer gives her thoughts on how to get off to a great start with your new boss:

“When a new sheriff comes to town, it creates an air of mystery as well as anxiety among the town’s inhabitants. Who is this person? What kind of manager is this person? What is s/he like? Will I like my new boss? Will s/he like me? What will I need to do to succeed? Regardless of your current state of emotion, wanting to be proactive to ensure you get off to a good start with your new boss is the right instinct. The first thing of which to be mindful is that your new GC will be overloaded and crazed starting Day 1 of his/her tenure. So bear this in mind as you kick things off. Below are my suggestions to guarantee your best start….”

Read: My company just hired a new GC. What can I do to make sure that I get off to a great start with my new boss? at The Lawyer Whisperer