Dealing with a Pandemic – Ten Things on the Coronavirus

Dealing with a Pandemic

Dealing with a pandemic – in-house counsel far and wide are feeling the reverberations of the novel coronavirus. Sterling Miller has published a new item in his “Ten Things” series that will come in handy. Always look on the bright side, working remotely may help you avoid bossy coworkers.

“I’d like to say that, as an experienced general counsel, I would have caught on to the magnitude of the Coronavirus problem way back when and been proactive weeks ago in helping organize a response (both legal and business).  But, like many, when I first heard about the virus back in January I kind of shrugged my shoulders and thought “feels like another H1N1-type deal.”  I was wrong.  Mostly about how people around the world would respond (and it truly feels like we have fallen Through the Looking Glass this past week).  Still, once things started coming apart, I suspect I would have had some pretty strong ideas on what the legal team should be doing just like I would during any health crisis.  This edition of “Ten Things” lays out – straight from the napkin – what I think in-house lawyers should be (and probably are) doing during a pandemic outbreak like COVID-19…”

Read: Ten Things: Dealing with a Pandemic (Yes, I am Talking About the Coronavirus) at Ten Things You Need To Know as In-House Counsel