Big Four Accounting Firms Gaining Ground on BigLaw

For those of you fearing Artificial Intelligence, the Robopocalypse and the Singularity, there is something worse – the bean-counters are coming and they are gaining steam like a well-oiled espresso machine. Then again, maybe this will not be so bad, as long as they don’t make us do math:

“The accountancy firms are gaining ground on law firms and could reshape the marketplace, new research from American Lawyer reveals. With over two in three law firm leaders regarding the legal arms of the Big Four as a major threat, the research revealed that in terms of revenue, the Big Four all reported double digit year on year growth. With PwC reporting $500 million in legal earnings and Deloitte $250 million, they have a way to go to catch up with the top law firms but are growing at pace each year with EY reporting 20 per cent growth last year and 10 per cent in the last five consecutive years.”

Read: Big Four accountancy firms gain ground on law firms at GlobalLegalPost